A database of physically based values for CG artists


This database is a compilation of physically based values from different publications, manufacturer documentations, and measurements contributed by users. Each entry has at least one link to a source, so it's always possible to verify their validity.

It's built as an open API so it can be implemented in DCC applications, or any other place that makes sense. Anyone can contribute.

There are many great material libraries available out there, and this isn't a material library in that sense, but rather a reference to validate against.

This website, and the database, are maintained by Anton Palmqvist.


You are more than welcome to contribute to the database, and there are several ways to do so!

  • If you want to suggest a new entry, or a correction, consider creating a pull request, or an issue, on Github.

  • If you want to implement this into a DCC application, or anywhere else, don't hesitate to contact me through the form below for more information.

  • If you have any feedback about terminology, accuracy, or anything else that you can think of, also use the form below.


Web Stack

This site is made with Gatsby static site generator and is using Plausible analytics, FontAwesome icons, and fonts from Google Fonts. It's hosted on Netlify and doesn't use any cookies.


Feel free to send feedback with suggestions, corrections, and bugs.

Data from